Age and Experience

Today was nomination day. We have the biggest slate of Council candidates ever. To see who is running, checkout

Until October 16th, I will be taking some time every Monday to tell you a bit about myself. I’ll be sharing something that has both prepared me for Council and that which makes me different than other candidates. A good Council is one with diversity. I want to let you know about the unique perspectives I bring to the table.

Today I will discuss my age and experience.

I am 32 years old--just shy of Grande Prairie’s median age. At the same time, I have a depth of experience that has prepared me well to serve on Council.

Grande Prairie needs to be a place where young people can thrive. It is important for their own sake and also important for our economy- we need our kids to invest their experience, enthusiasm, and energy into our City. Because of my age and family (one boy in kindergarten and another in preschool), I know what it’s like to raise kids here. Because of my time running youth mentoring programs, I also know what it’s like to be a teenager here. I’ve got great perspective on what our young people need and I have the energy to help bring it forward.

I also have experience.

Having spent the last decade working for a single non-profit, I know what it takes to work in a team and to lead an effective organisation. Unlike many people my age, I have been in one job long enough to see the long-term effects of decisions I have made. This type of developed long-term thinking is crucial for Council.

A big part of my job has been fundraising for my organization’s operations. I have spent my career regularly meeting with business people. Inevitably, we talk about what their companies are up to. I also routinely ask them for advice and perspective. I am in a Master’s Degree program looking at how non-profit, public, and private organisations function. Most importantly, I am a curious person who is always seeking to learn how the world works. I am prepared to bring a depth of organizational knowledge to the job of Council.

I also understand how the City works. I started the Grande Prairie Disc Golf Club. This required me to present to Council and work with several City departments. I have helped found a Neighbourhood Association and have volunteered with other non-profits which partner with the City. More importantly, I have spent the last year watching every Council meeting, attending Council Committee meetings, and getting coffee with Councilors, City employees, Grande Prairie residents, and other stakeholders. At these coffees, I ask every question I can think of. I understand the work of Council, and already have clear ideas on how I would seek to shape it.

Thanks for taking the time to read about me! I hope you give me the time to bring my energy, perspective, and experience to bear on City Council.

You can read more about my ideas to engage young people at You can read more about how my one aspect of my professional experience has prepared me for Council work at


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